Books Books Books!

Any fun plans on September 21, 2024? Live nearby the Lancaster area? Looking to meet tons of authors? If any of those questions peaked your interest, come check Books Books Books! I, along with lots of other authors, will be tabling, selling books and merch, and talking about our books!

A Sequel Rises

Bob Becomes a Superhero

"What would you do if a ruthless crime lord came in and threatened your favorite bodega?”

In a city, much like any other, an unexpected hero joins a culinary-themed superhero team for the fight of their lives. Together, they take on unexpected danger and put themselves in life or death situations.

Bob lives a quiet life. Then, one day his favorite sandwich is replaced with a culinary abomination. Bob quickly learns that a dark and flavorless shadow is sweeping over the city. A money hungry villain and his army of thugs slowly take over the city, one store at a time after which it is left only with terrible food to serve. Now, Bob must team up with his friends to save the city or be doomed to eat terrible food for the rest of his life. Will Bob save the sandwiches or get lost in the sauce?

If you like seeing normal people fight against monstrous villains with laughs the whole time, check out Bob Becomes a Superhero.